This is the Christian pre-school that we went to in Edendale, a township outside Maritzburg. The townships are where the black people were forced to live during apartheid. Dodgy buildings with no electricity. This pre-school building is actually condemned but they keep using it anyway. Many people live in this township. Apartheid may be over but they are still as poor as ever.


This kid was very keen for me to take his photo!

This is Bec Frost and me with some kids in another township called Mpophomeni. We visited a hospice there which is run by the local church (there's quite a nice little tourist town near by). It was very sad talking to the ladies in the hospice. Their situation is much the same as many others in South Africa - husbands dead, themselves dying of AIDS and only very elderly, sickly relatives left to look after their children. The government doesn't have a good program to look after them, there's hardly any social workers, in fact I met the only one for the surrounding region. Busy lady...

I thought this was a bit of a laugh. Got to make sure those rhinos are well trained!
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