They've been saying at MAC that we ought to phase out door decorating this year, and after this effort, I think I agree!! Nah, it was lovely...very heartfelt!

I had a great day. A surprise lunch with a bunch of girls from college, I seriously had no idea. It was lovely. Complete with birthday cake and all. Then dinner with another cake at Emma's. I was very well taken care of. I even got a pressie from Jacko and Adele with a handmade card! Very swish.

Life in these parts has been a bit dramatic lately. Last week the Nando's chicken joint over the road from Barney's was blown up. Not sure of the circumstances but apparently there was a robbery earlier in the day. Then yesterday there was a fire at Broadway Shopping Centre next to Harris Farm. I don't know what it is about that area!
Today's big news is that Kevin Rudd officially apologised to the Stolen Generation. I thought it was a great speech, no excuses, just a plain sorry. I guess you probably read about it online.
Anyway, better be off. Thanks so much for the pressie and cards, love the bugs El!!!
Love Iss Iss xoxoxoxo